7 Haziran 2009 Pazar

22 Going on to 23

Its a wonderful sunny Sunday. Daddy and I have been enjoying the garden all day.

Last Thursday while watching TV I started calling out your name and asking "Where is Ela"? After a while you have me a tiny little kick. I couldn't believe at first so I continued calling out your name and asking you the same question a few more times.
You gave me three more kicks which were stronger than the first. I even saw one or two movements from outside. It was such an experience,I can not find any words to describe it with.

We had your room painted this week which took like 1 full and 2 half days. I drove the company in charge crazy because they could not apply the color we wanted for your room. The color we wanted was very simple; very light gray. The first day the housepainter said he didn't have the color we chose so could he paint the walls something similar. I looked at the paint, it look white on the wall but by the end of the day it was candy pink!!!!!!!!!!! Yuck !! Then I showed the person in charge what I wanted and the next day when I came home the room was something between dark gray with lila in it.
Finally the 3rd day they reached the color we wanted or something very close to it :)
On Saturday we went shopping and came home with new stuff for your room. It took us a few hours that night to organize and clean your room but it was worth every single minute of it.
I hope I will not forget how I felt that day.
Daddy and I really enjoyed it. I know it might sound funny but we can't hold ourselves back from glancing into your room as we go into ours.

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